Friday, December 29, 2006

New Year, New Header

Ahem... Maybe I have been too immodest, but I only would give our blog a more distinctive touch. Please, if you happens to have a more suitable image for the blog header background, let me know. Otherwise, express your agreement in comments, please!
(Oh, I was forgotting: I've made a couple of other adjustments too: who will spot them, will win a special gift, promise!)

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Blue, blue, red, yellow

You all girls are probably wondering how that infernal machine works, and what's the connection between a panel with colored buttons and the catfight. Those are all good questions, and I think it's time to unveil some secret now.
The Catfightator will be a device with two principal jobs: rezzing balls with catfight postures/animations (I have already prepared some static posture sets) (this is the Puppeteer) and letting fighters decide who is winning the round (this is the real Catfightator).
Let's make an example. Wrestler A and B start a new match. They sit on balls, with postures showing them ready for the fight. After deciding some options for the match, the match starts and the Catfightator must decide who is winning. To do this we will have some options, from the simpler one (random choice) to more complex ones (like memorizing a color sequence and repeating it on a HUD with colored buttons). That is what Isil is working on at the moment, with really nice and addicting results, I must say ;). When there is a winner, the Puppeteer changes the postures of the fighters, choosing one showing a slight avantage for the winning wrestler. Will they fall on the ground? Will they pull their hair harder? Will they choose to claw opponent in her most sensitive parts? At this time we will see the new postures and we will have all the time we need to roleplay (that's what I like more :). Are we done with roleplay? Let's have another move. When a wrestler's advantage reaches n points, she wins a round. Was there a bet for this match? Should the loser take off something of her clothes being more exposed and vulnerable for next round? You decide.
I think it's enough for now, time to get ready for our last year's evening parties!
And let me thank Isil for all the wonderful work she's doing (she's working HARD!). All we can't wait to have the work done (at least I am!) and while she's working I can practice a lot with the color hud, so I will be able to kick your nice and well rounded asses in a much better way! ;)
Have a SUPER new year!

Happy holidays, kitties!

Just another small update about the panel. Now it is almost ready for a prerelease version. I'm confident that our president will post a review on it soon. In the meanwhile, let me say that looks like we are really near to the working Catfightator! I know you all are impatient... but please hold firm, I'm sure I will take to the end the last part of the project, the evil Puppeteer, in few weeks.
I hope you all are enjying your holidays, kitties *grins*!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Various updates

Today, the catfight system has been used for the first time. Our glorious president, Jopy Weber, challenged the scripter, Isil, using a first rough prototype of the Catfightator. It was actually just a bunch of prims fixed together with tape and glue, but it worked in a quite satisfactory way (I have no pictures, sorry, but we both were fully dressed: after all, we were just testing the device!). Well, needless to say, Jopy won the fight, but that's not as important as the smile I saw on her face, when she realized that the system is finally seeing the light...
Oh, I was forgetting, there are even more big news today: thanks to her doubtless expertise and strength, the mighty Akayla is now an official Cats'n'Claws recruiter. If you want to join us, just drop an IM to Jopy Weber, Cloudie Petty, or Akayla Ayakashi!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

We have the Panel.

Another update about the Catfightator! and still there is someone saying that I'm lazy, I can't believe that!!!
Well, what you can see here is what will be the main control object, which will look like a panel with the funcion of score display and fighters' move visualizer - nothing more than a replicator of fighters HUD, which still you could see on the bottom right of the picture.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

The Catfight HUD

Today Isil started the developement of one of the three main subsystems of the Catfightator: the Catfight HUD (codename CFH).
And just to keep you awaken, dear kitties, she uploaded here a preview picture of how the HUD will look like. Ahem, the HUD is that colorful stuff on the bottom right, don't look at the gal, please, she's only our scripter (who, as you can see, works during the night time too!).
Update: thanks to a good planning, the CFH is now almost fully working and ready to be connected to the rest of the Catfightator. Want to have a look at the prototype? *grins* no way, sweetie. It's TOP SECRET - FOR JOPY'S EYES ONLY!

Today's special kitty: Camilla Andree

Camilla Andree
I'm Camilla and I'm an athletic and muscular tomboy - about 180 cm and 75 kg.
In SL (and to some extend in RL), I love to play a roughhouse girl - and to wrestle with other women in a combative, sexy, close-body way.
I also love hard talking and a verbal as well as a physical challenging attitude.
When it comes to girl/girl sex, I'm very liberated - and love to play it to the end - in particular in sexfighting, which is a competition, where the "looser" is the woman who comes first.
Girls who feel attracted to this is welcome to IM me.

Note: If you want to appear here, just drop me (Isil) your preferred portrait and your personal charter, and I'll post here for you.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Isil vs. Puppeteer round one

I think that someone among you kitties could be interested in that.
Isil just lost her fight against the Puppeteer.
At the moment, she's resting at home, literally covered by cuts, bumps, and scratches (I'll try to post an update about that, I promise). But don't worry, kitties: she's strong and she's already studying new deadly moves, which hopefully let her win the next match.
Oh, sure. Who the hell is that Puppeteer - you would be saying right now? hehehe, you all will meet the Puppeteer, be sure about that! *evil grin*

Saturday, December 9, 2006

Cats'n'Claws grows!

The dangeorus Akayla is ready to show us how much she's strong (and I can say she is!). Two friends followed her, and I welcome them as well. Can't wait to meet you in world, girls!
But what to say about my old (very old!) friend Lisa? Will she stay on the bleachers (pfft!) or will she wrangle and roll on the sand of the arena?
And our "nice looking" secretary, Clo, already collected two challenges. Come on, Clo, leave your desk and don't be lazy! Even I know you *LOVE* interviewing new kitties being nosey and naughty all around in the office.
And I have a proposal... As we all know Isil, THE scripter, is working HARD to the catfight machine (the famous catfightator). Well, will she finish it soon? All we hope yes! Even because, if not, I propose to add some little handicaps to her first matches. Cuffed hands, being tied to a wall with an ankle cuff, doubling her opponents...
Does it sound good?

Thursday, December 7, 2006

TWO (2!) new kitties today!

Two delicious new kitties joined our group today! By time order, they are Camilla and Zok.
Further details will follow as soon as this girl will get what has been required... *giggles*

Friday, December 1, 2006

Jopy says

Today our founder, Miss Jopy Weber, answered to a few questions of our nosey scripter. The result is a priceless insight of the Catfightator.

[Q] What is this "Catfightator", and how did you get the idea?
[A] I always liked physical competition between women, it has always been a particular turn-on for me since I got involved in one by chance. You know, we always follow our turn-ons and our fantasies and Second Life is the land of our fantasies.

[Q] This Catfightator, to my knowledge, until now is just a word people talk about. How do you visualize the final product? what will it have more than similar gadgets I could find here and there in SL?
[A] It will be something half-way between a gadget like others already existing in SL (that can be fun but don't allow roleplaying during the action) and a "toy" for roleplaying with. It will have some "action" and some pauses to let competitors describe themselves and what's happening between themselves. I don't think that avatar animations or postures can fully substitute roleplaying, but they can help. So if we have a thing that can SUGGEST what's happening letting us free to describe it, I think it's great, don't you think so? And roleplaying (and even some postures) can make things way more "interesting" that merely looking at something that "happens".

[Q] Looks like there's a touch of naughtiness in it. Is this true?
[A] It depends of everyone's fantasies about wrestling... mine can be a bit naughty, yes. *GRIN*

[Q] Is it gonna become a business?
[A] I hope it is going to be lots of fun for me, my closefriends and who share similar interests. It will be put on sale, so if it will be a business I won't cry. It will be open, so other producers (way better than me) will be able to make postures or animations set ad ons.

[Q] How will you advertise it?
[A] I think using it and arranging public matches or tournaments.

[Q] I heard rumors... they say you will probably put a catfight arena on your famous luxurious yacht and organize swimsuit fights. Is that true?
[A] It can be. What you dare to bet to challenge me?