Thursday, December 28, 2006

Blue, blue, red, yellow

You all girls are probably wondering how that infernal machine works, and what's the connection between a panel with colored buttons and the catfight. Those are all good questions, and I think it's time to unveil some secret now.
The Catfightator will be a device with two principal jobs: rezzing balls with catfight postures/animations (I have already prepared some static posture sets) (this is the Puppeteer) and letting fighters decide who is winning the round (this is the real Catfightator).
Let's make an example. Wrestler A and B start a new match. They sit on balls, with postures showing them ready for the fight. After deciding some options for the match, the match starts and the Catfightator must decide who is winning. To do this we will have some options, from the simpler one (random choice) to more complex ones (like memorizing a color sequence and repeating it on a HUD with colored buttons). That is what Isil is working on at the moment, with really nice and addicting results, I must say ;). When there is a winner, the Puppeteer changes the postures of the fighters, choosing one showing a slight avantage for the winning wrestler. Will they fall on the ground? Will they pull their hair harder? Will they choose to claw opponent in her most sensitive parts? At this time we will see the new postures and we will have all the time we need to roleplay (that's what I like more :). Are we done with roleplay? Let's have another move. When a wrestler's advantage reaches n points, she wins a round. Was there a bet for this match? Should the loser take off something of her clothes being more exposed and vulnerable for next round? You decide.
I think it's enough for now, time to get ready for our last year's evening parties!
And let me thank Isil for all the wonderful work she's doing (she's working HARD!). All we can't wait to have the work done (at least I am!) and while she's working I can practice a lot with the color hud, so I will be able to kick your nice and well rounded asses in a much better way! ;)
Have a SUPER new year!


Unknown said...

Hia Isil

this sounds very very promising, and I'll already now thank you deeply for all the effort you've put into this.

But - where is this machine ?? - it would be great if you placed it into a room, where the members of this group had access

Love and bearhugs

Anonymous said...

Howdy and thanks, Camilla. About the letting the group use the machine, you should ask Jopy for it. I am only the scripter *winks*.

Jopy said...

I think I will leave my arena rezzed with a catfightator for kitties to practice (at first) and to enjoy it more (in a while, when the scripting will be at a more advanced degree). In a few days (I am renewing buildings on my land) I will post how to reach arena.

lulu said...

This sound great though I dont understand fully yet how the points are gained so who will win (if not random). I do this kind of fighting in chat only for quite sometime and looked for something like this since I joined SL 3 months ago!
Cant wait to be test dummy *giggle*

Jopy said...

Hi Lulu and welcome!
Points are gained playing kind of a memory game. A panel shows you a sequence of colors and you have to reproduce it. Sequence length may be different for each of the wrestler due to handicaps and so on. This is only the FIRST way to gain points, other ones will follow. I mean, this can be fun but it is not the center of the whole project, so there will be some choices with time.