Saturday, December 9, 2006

Cats'n'Claws grows!

The dangeorus Akayla is ready to show us how much she's strong (and I can say she is!). Two friends followed her, and I welcome them as well. Can't wait to meet you in world, girls!
But what to say about my old (very old!) friend Lisa? Will she stay on the bleachers (pfft!) or will she wrangle and roll on the sand of the arena?
And our "nice looking" secretary, Clo, already collected two challenges. Come on, Clo, leave your desk and don't be lazy! Even I know you *LOVE* interviewing new kitties being nosey and naughty all around in the office.
And I have a proposal... As we all know Isil, THE scripter, is working HARD to the catfight machine (the famous catfightator). Well, will she finish it soon? All we hope yes! Even because, if not, I propose to add some little handicaps to her first matches. Cuffed hands, being tied to a wall with an ankle cuff, doubling her opponents...
Does it sound good?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No, it doesn't sound good. It just adds motivations for me to include secret and powerful cheat codes *grins, bends the shoulders and keeps coding*